#OnThisDay in 1972, 14th Grammy Awards: #CaroleKing's "It's Too Late"; #BillWithers' "Ain't No Sunshine"; Carly Simon; #IsaacHayes; #MuddyWaters; and Bill Evans win.
#OnThisDay in 1972, 14th Grammy Awards: #CaroleKing's "It's Too Late"; #BillWithers' "Ain't No Sunshine"; Carly Simon; #IsaacHayes; #MuddyWaters; and Bill Evans win.
Isaac Hayes - Cafe Regio
#JazzFM #Jazz #NowPlaying #IsaacHayes
Isaac Hayes - Ike's Mood I
#JazzFM #Jazz #NowPlaying #IsaacHayes
Isaac Hayes - Ike's Mood I
#JazzFM #Jazz #NowPlaying #IsaacHayes
Isaac Hayes - Ike's Mood I
#JazzFM #Jazz #NowPlaying #IsaacHayes
Isaac Hayes:
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Díky Hayesovu albu Hot Buttered Soul měli Enterprise/Stax Records v rukách jedinečný titul, z něhož ale nemohli vydat singl. Posluchači přesto desku nadšeně přijali. Prodalo se ji více jak tři milióny kusů. Možná právě tehdy se začalo měnit zdánlivě výlučné a neotřesitelné postavení singlů...
#10YearsOfPuddingRevisited #IsaacHayes #Music #Soul
David Porter, . . . Into A Real Thing, 1971 on Enterprise
Porter was the staff songwriter for Stax – this was his second full length LP issued under his name, following up Gritty, Groovy, & Gettin’ It. Enterprise was a sub-label of Stax, which also released the early Isaac Hayes solo albums. (Apparently label president Al Bell was a Star Trek fan).
Wonderful early 70s Stax/Volt style funk/soul. Love that the green hat from the gatefold is also on the bed post in the rear cover. Isaac Hayes gets arranger and producer credit on “I Don’t Want To Cry.”
My copy is a 2023 Vinyl Me, Please Classics reissue, made by Craft Recordings, with lacquers cut by Ryan Smith at Sterling Sound and a listening notes booklet by Andrew Winistorfer.
#1970s #1971 #2023 #AlBell #AndrewWinistorfer #craftRecordings #DavidPorter #enterprise #isaacHayes #Reissue #RyanSmith #Soul #Stax #SterlingSound #vinyl #vinylMePlease #VinylMePleaseClassics #vinylcollection
"Walk On By" is a song written by #BurtBacharach and #HalDavid for singer #DionneWarwick in 1963. Warwick's recording of the song peaked at number 6 on the US #Billboard #Hot100 and number 1 on the Cash Box Rhythm and Blues Chart In June 1964 and was nominated for a 1965 Grammy Award for the Best Rhythm and Blues Recording. #IsaacHayes recorded the song five years later, in 1969, and his version reached number 30 on the Hot 100 chart and number 13 in the #RAndB charts.
"B-A-B-Y" is a 1966 song written by #IsaacHayes and #DavidPorter. The song was first recorded in 1966 by #CarlaThomas. Her version was released as the opening track of her album Carla, and as a single by #StaxRecords.
L'uomo che (con #IsaacHayes) ha creato il suono della #blaxploitation ci lasciava 25 anni fa. #CurtisMayfield - Superfly (Full Album) - Invidious https://inv.nadeko.net/playlist?list=PLc60gkdW0bcH8Zz8UPMRubocxFbZCv-i- #music #cinema