PublicJan 20BBC6Music #NowPlaying Bot #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CraigCharlesRhoda Dakar: What a Wonderful World#RhodaDakar DakarWhat a Wonderful World, by Rhoda Dakar2 track album 0
Continued threadPublicNov 21, 2024Strawberry Switchblade fansite @strawberryswitchbladefansiteHere's an oral history of Red Wedge from Q Magazine in 1996 (reproduced in the Guardian) with contributions from Tom Robinson, Billy Bragg, Lloyd Cole, Rhoda Dakar & more - inc tales of Rev Richard Coles amazing everybody with card tricks Guardian · Apr 22, 2015Red Wedge: bringing Labour party politics to young music fansBy Guardian staff reporter#rhodadakar#lloydcole#richardcoles…and 3 more 1